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Monday, 28 February 2011 02:13

Red Bull Music Academy

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 Who is werking more than Red Bull? The 2011 Red Bull Music Academy will be taking place in Tokyo, Japan and the application process is now open.

Now some of you may be saying: "What Is The Red Bull Music Academy?"

The RBMA is a world traveling workshop, and a platform for artists, musicians, producers, etc. of various genres around the world who shape our musical future. It's a place to meet other artists from around the globe, learn, work on music, network, and hopefully become better at what you do. In a nutshell, it's every motivated musicians dream!

The Red Bull Music Academy has been gathering up-and-coming producers, DJs, and musicians with legends and pioneers of the music world since it began 13 years ago in 1998, every year choosing a new city and music scene to highlight. For 2011 the Academy has chosen Tokyo, Japan as its destination. There they will gather 60 participants with an assortment of music professionals (other artists, journalists, DJs, label heads, studio engineers, etc.) to share ideas, make music, perform, and do all the other things that fall in between. Starting February 2, RBMA will be accepting applicants until April 4, 2011 with the event taking place in Tokyo between October 23 and November 25, 2011.

If you are an musician, singer, emcee, DJ, producer, etc. I STRONGLY encourage you to apply for RBMA. It does not matter if your an artist who makes music from your bedroom for fun, or if you're a Grammy nominated musician, anybody is eligible to apply.

If you've applied before in the past and haven't been chosen, this is a great opportunity to apply again, it costs you nothing to apply and if your selected it's a FREE trip to Tokyo.

"So... How Do I Apply?" - Glad you asked. Feel free to check out this video below to give so some more information on the application process. If your ready to go, head over to RedBullMusicAcademy.com where you can download and print the application.

How To Apply For The Red Bull Music Academy from Red Bull Music Academy on Vimeo.

And I know many of you are NOT artists of any kind at all. Please do not view this as spam. I sent this too you today because we ALL know some very talented people who just need
that chance showcase their talent. This is a great opportunity to do just that, and see the world as well. Feel free to spread the word as best as you can whether it's via facebook or a text message.

If you have any questions feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What's your take... leave your comments below.

Read 14026 times Last modified on Monday, 28 February 2011 02:13