Starting a new series dedicated to the intricate lines delivered by iconic emcees. The first for this series is with Ras Kass. The owner of Patchwerk Recording Studios, Curtis Daniel III and friend to Ras created the concept. Throughout Ras’ career he has had a lot of people tell him how much they like his lyrics.
The month of October brought us a new champion to the producer arena by the name of MiniProducer. Only the second female to wear the crown in almost two years of the ongoing contest. Jasmine aka MiniProducer is originally from Kennesaw, GA and claims it! She visited Patchwerk Recording Studios to conduct her Spotlight Interview with our new personality on our IdOMUSIC TV channel Porchia Marie.
Our monthly contest called That Tight Thirty Two On Thurzdayz(Tight 32) Emcee and Producer contest recently wrapped up with Lelah Mills taking the title for the month of July. As always the contest brings about various emcees from all walks of life and is celebrated with the winner rocking the IdOMUSIC stage to showcase their full ability. Armed with the production of our Tight 32 producer of the month's Robert Limbo, Lelah was able to dress her 32 bars up and show out.
This month That Tight Thirty Two On Thurzdayz Emcee and Producer contest was held in Patchwerk Studio Room 995 instead of the normal Studio 1019 making the vibe crazy for all the emcees to deliver their 32 bars. Artist from Miami, Florida to Akron, Ohio entered for their chance to take the title from our current winner Sammy Surf! Who will be the victor for the month of April?
The final Tight 32 contest of 2016 ended with Preme Cordice besting several other emcees for the title. Do yourself a favor and check out his winning verse if you need to understand. Production provided by PWR Beatz representative Kangaroo809, listen to Preme discuss the origins of his name and some of his influences growing up. We touch on his existing projects and The Employee Of The Month concept to describe his sound. Find out exactly what this means and why after entering previous contest he took a chance on entering That Tight Thirty Two On Thurdayz competition.
The final Tight 32 contest of 2016 was intense as always and when the smoke cleared our winner was Preme. We always get asked the question, "Do the beats have to be trap?" My answer every time is submit your sound. The issue I believe is most haven't found it yet. When you think about Patchwerk Recording Studios the underlining theme should be we are a professional recording studio. We are proficient in sound. Send us your best because that is what we expect 100% of the time. The emcees are going to paint the picture but the canvas is set up by the producer. The production this month came from our first winner ever of the Tight 32 contest in January Kanagroo809. Check out how the winning emcee Preme handled his production. Interview with Preme coming up end of week.