Carmena Jarrett

Carmena Jarrett


We all like to receive gifts, and it's an added bonus when it's something we like or want! Yes, it's the thought that counts and all that good stuff but it's  really really cool to get something awesome! So here are some fun and creative gift ideas that every musician or music lover will open with great delight and with an expression that truly means it.


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A great gift idea that is perfect for any aspiring or veteran musician is education. Give the gift of singing, dancing,or music lessons. The cost of breaking into the music business can be steep and every entertainer knows the benefits of training so ease the pockets of your talented peeps and give them lessons in their favorite speciality.  They will truly thank you.


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Another great gift idea is the Music Speaker Showerhead! Yes, this is a must have for any music lover. Now you can sing, dance, and well basically perform for the Gawds all in the comfort of your tub! Hot water and hot music, now you will really have a reason to be late....for everything!!


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Give the gift of time. Every artist needs a place to record the next big hit and you don't have to do it in your mama's basement...unless that's where you want to record. Patchwerk Recording Studio in Atlanta, offers gift certificates for sessions which is a fantastic way to give the next big star a jump start.


These gift ideas will surely leave a lasting impression for any musician or music lover looking to take their talents to the next level. These ideas will show your thoughtfulness, creativity, and appreciation, which is what everyone truly wants in a gift.



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The International Music Conference hit the Sheraton Hotel in Atlanta Georgia beginning on September 10-14th. The IMC combines all facets of today’s music scene and places artists, songwriters, executives, and other music professionals in the same room to network and construct real opportunities domestically and aboard.

I attended a full day of panels discussing everything from how up and coming entertainers can get their foot in the door, to how you can create a cost effective tour. In today’s music we see that a “star” can be made simply by uploading a few singles on to YouTube and gaining major label interest, alla Justin Bieber and Iggy Azalea to name a few. But that route may or may not hold the same level of success, in starting or sustaining your music career nowadays.

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