Starting a new series dedicated to the intricate lines delivered by iconic emcees. The first for this series is with Ras Kass. The owner of Patchwerk Recording Studios, Curtis Daniel III and friend to Ras created the concept. Throughout Ras’ career he has had a lot of people tell him how much they like his lyrics.
The Tight 32 Emcee and Producer Contest is entering its third year. I wanted to share where I think the gifted are missing their shot at maximizing the opportunities presented through the IdOMUSIC & Patchwerk Recording Studios platform.
Our monthly contest called That Tight Thirty Two On Thurzdayz(Tight 32) Emcee and Producer contest recently wrapped up with Lelah Mills taking the title for the month of July. As always the contest brings about various emcees from all walks of life and is celebrated with the winner rocking the IdOMUSIC stage to showcase their full ability. Armed with the production of our Tight 32 producer of the month's Robert Limbo, Lelah was able to dress her 32 bars up and show out.
As we prepare for our contest today it is important for us to share the stories of the winners who grace our platform. This month we had a couple of milestones take place. The producer segment featured our first female producer hailing from Brooklyn, NYC who is not new to winning trophies as well as a talented emcee from Ahoskie, NC winning the contest at our first live Tight 32 performance. What I mean by live is we hosted the competition at our monthly showcase IdOMUSIC at Apache Cafe and let the audience decide the winner. Shout out to Rodrick R.O.C and Ms.Madli for representing. Check out their interviews below and come see them rock the stage at Opera Nightclub tonight!
The final Tight 32 contest of 2016 ended with Preme Cordice besting several other emcees for the title. Do yourself a favor and check out his winning verse if you need to understand. Production provided by PWR Beatz representative Kangaroo809, listen to Preme discuss the origins of his name and some of his influences growing up. We touch on his existing projects and The Employee Of The Month concept to describe his sound. Find out exactly what this means and why after entering previous contest he took a chance on entering That Tight Thirty Two On Thurdayz competition.
The monthly contest designed for hip hop producers and emcees took place Thursday, November 17th at the legendary Patchwerk Recording Studios. 12 emcees signed up and only a few were able to complete the task of spitting 32 bars within the 15 minute time frame. The winner of our producer portion Kangaroo809 was the selected winner of the month beating out 12 other producers for the monthly title. This is actually Kangaroo's second time winning this year. Each emcee took a different approach and delivered heat. We want you to check out the verses and let us know who was the best out of the group. Simply leave comments below.
Finally a contest for emcees who's only crime is they can paint pictures effortlessly. The disclaimer I give every artist who comes in for our monthly contest conducted every last Thursday of the month is come correct. You are given 15 minutes to werk on thirty two bars with a professional engineer in a real session. Real session meaning you can punch in, stack your vocals, insert ad libs, and more. Whatever you gotta do to make your 32 bars legit is what we are focused on.
The beauty in being an artist is that there are no restrictions to what you create—barring contracts. From subject matter to cover art, you are free to develop whatever your creativity desires. Even our First Amendment alludes to the freedom of speech however according to Wikipedia there are some exceptions "including the Miller test for obscenity, child pornography laws, speech that incites imminent lawless action, [...slander] and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising." With a 20+ year history of profanity and raw obscenities in hip-hop culture, as an artist you rarely have to consider your content being an exception to your political right of free expression—until now.